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Curriculum and Instruction

Pacific Ridge Elementary School is committed to student’s academic, social, and emotional growth. Our principle belief is that children who feel heard, listened to, and cared about are ready to learn. We have a 5-year district wide strategic plan, developed in 2020, that emphasizes community partnership, equity, and student achievement. In addition to delivering ODE approved curriculum in reading, math, science, social studies, ELD, health, and social-emotional learning, our teachers have been trained in PBIS, Constructing Meaning, and Educational Excellence to ensure student centered best practice. Our students also participate in music, PE, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), and library lessons weekly. With generous support from our PTO, all students have access to chromebooks and several digital learning platforms including Epic, Guided Readers, Zearn, Seesaw, and ALEKS. Teachers support each other and plan as grade-level teams. Team planning time, professional development, and planning time between educational assistants and teachers are set aside every Wednesday. All lesson planning begins with the Common Core State Standards. Grade-level teams create and work from projected curriculum maps and unit maps. In addition to our core instruction, we differentiate instruction for all students to meet learning targets at individual levels.





Photo of children raising their hands up wanting to answer their teacher.